Release Notes: Version 7, Post Slider Module

The list of features updated in the version 7 release

Content Settings
  1. Top Heading Text
  2. Default or Custom Blog
  3. Number of posts
  4. Add Buttons
  5. Button Settings
  6. Display Featured Image
  7. Display Post Summary
  8. Display Post Publish Date
  9. Add Slider
  10. Number of Slides to Display
Style Settings
  1. General Settings
    1. Top Heading Alignment
    2. Background and its settings include color and hover color
    3. Text and its settings include color, hover color, Alignment and spacing
    4. Border and its settings include style, color and width
  2. Navigation Settings
    1. Navigation color
    2. Navigation Hover color
    3. Size
    4. Add Border
    5. Override default position settings
    6. Arrow Visibility 
    7. Dots Visibility