How you can redirect a page or blog post in HubSpot

Use URL redirects tool, to redirect traffic from a HubSpot-hosted page or blog post to any URL. 

Add a new redirect


  • Click the settings icon in the main navigation bar of your HubSpot account.
  • Go to Website > Domains & URLs in the left sidebar menu.
  • Click the URL Redirects tab.
  • In the upper right, click Add URL redirect.
  • Select the Standard or Flexible redirect type.
    • Standard redirect is used to redirect one URL to another.
    • Flexible redirect updates URLs based on the way they're structured.
  • Enter the full URL or URL path that you want to redirect in the Original URL field.
  •  Enter the URL of the page you want the original URL to redirect to in the Redirect to the field.
  • When redirecting to an external page that's not hosted on HubSpot, be sure to enter the full URL including http:// or https:// (e.g.,
  • Click More options to customize the redirect.
    • Redirect style: select any one of the following:
      • Permanent (301): redirect URL of one page to another URL. This is the default selection for new redirects.
      • Temporary (302): temporarily redirect one page to another URL. This redirect is used to redirect traffic for website maintenance or a redesign temporarily.
      • Proxy: redirect the live page's content without changing the URL displayed on the visitor's web browser. This redirect is used to share a hosted file on a specific directory outside your main site.
    • Priority: by default, new redirects are given the lowest priority. If more than one redirect exists for the original URL, the redirect with the lowest priority will be applied. To customize this setting, clear the checkbox Assign lowest priority, and enter a custom value.
    • Match query strings: only redirect the page from the exact original URL entered. This means, if the original URL has any parameters added, the redirect won't be applied. 
    • Ignore trailing slash: apply the redirect whether the original URL includes a forward slash / at the end or not. This is selected by default.
    • Ignore protocol (HTTP or HTTPS): apply the redirect whether the original URL starts with http:// or https://. This option is selected by default.
    • Disable redirect if a page exists at the redirected URL: apply the redirect only when the original URL is unpublished. If the original URL is live, this redirect won't be applied. 
    • Note: you can add some details why this URL redirect was created.
  • After customizing your redirect options, click Add URL redirect.

Manage URL redirects


    On the URL Redirects dashboard, you can search, filter, or sort your URL redirects.

    • Click the dropdown All URL redirects to filter redirects based on how they were created.
      • Manual redirects: created by users.
      • System redirects: created automatically when the URL of a published page or blog was updated. These cannot be edited.
    • Click the dropdown All users to filter redirects based on the user who created them.
    • Export: click Export to download all URL redirects in CSV file.
    • Switch columns: click Switch columns to customize the fields that appear in your URL redirects dashboard. 
    • Delete: click the dropdown Actions, then select Delete. Or, select the checkboxes next to the redirects you want to delete, then click Delete in the table header.
    • Edit: click the dropdown Actions, then select Edit. Or, select the checkboxes next to the redirects you want to edit, then click Edit in the header row.