Pricing Table

All you need to know about the pricing table module and how to use it.

The Pricing Table module is an essential tool for any website that offers multiple pricing options to its customers.
  • It allows you to present pricing information in a clear, organized, and attractive format that makes it easy for customers to compare and choose the best option for their needs.
  • With this module, you can customize various elements such as:
    • column control
    • alignment toggle
    • text display
    • table heading
    • pricing information
    • feature lists
    • buttons
    • styles
  • You can also control font, text transformation, spacing, border, background colour, and many other design elements.
  • With its user-friendly interface and powerful customization options, the Pricing Table module is the perfect solution for presenting your pricing information effectively and efficiently.


  • Column Control:

    The column control feature allows you to set the number of columns in your pricing table. You can choose between 1 to 5 columns, depending on the number of pricing plans you want to display.

  • Alignment Toggle:

    The alignment toggle feature lets you choose the alignment of your pricing table. You can align it to the left, centre, or right.

  • Text Display:

    The text display feature allows you to control the display of text in your pricing table. You can choose to display the text on top of the pricing table or below it.

  • Table:

    • Top Heading Text:

      The top heading text feature allows you to add a heading at the top of your pricing table. You can use this heading to give a brief overview of your pricing plans.

    • Featured Label Text:

      The featured label text feature allows you to highlight a particular pricing plan as the most popular. You can use this feature to draw the attention of your website visitors to the most sought-after plan.

    • Ribbons:
      The ribbons feature allows users to add highlight colourful ribbon effects on columns like 3D corner style, bookmark style and plain corner style ribbons with background colour, text colour, and font size change options. 
    • Images:

      The images feature allows you to add images to your pricing table. You can use images to represent your pricing plans in a visual way.

    • Price Display:

      The price display feature allows you to display the price of your pricing plans in a clear and concise manner.

    • Heading and Description:

      The heading and description feature allows you to add a heading and a description for each pricing plan. You can use this feature to provide a detailed explanation of the features and benefits of each plan.

    • Feature List:

      The feature list feature allows you to add a list of features for each pricing plan. You can use this feature to give a clear and comprehensive overview of what each plan includes.f

    • Buttons:

      The buttons feature allows you to add a button to your pricing table. You can use this button to link to a page where your website visitors can sign up for the pricing plan.

  • Standout Feature:

    The standout feature allows you to make a particular pricing plan stand out from the rest. You can use this feature to highlight the best deal or the most popular plan.


  • General:

    • Toggle Settings:

      The toggle settings feature allows you to toggle different styles on and off

    • Background Settings:

      The background settings feature allows you to set the background colour or image of your pricing table.

    • Text Settings:

      The text settings feature allows you to set the font, colour, and size of the text in your pricing table.

    • Checkmark Settings:

      The checkmark settings feature allows you to set the style of the checkmarks in your feature list.

    • Border Settings:

      The border settings feature allows you to set the style of the border around your pricing table.

    • Space Settings:

      The space settings feature allows you to set the spacing between elements in your pricing table.

    • Shadow:

      The shadow feature allows you to add a shadow to your pricing table.

  • Featured Label Text Style: 

    The featured label text style feature allows you to set the style of the popular text.

  • Standout Settings:

    • Background Color: Choose a gradient or solid colour background with a hover colour.
    • Text Color: Control colour and hover colour.
    • Border: Control edge radius.
  • Border Addition:

    • Border Settings: Control style, colour, width, and edge radius.