All you need to know about the content boxes module and how to use it.
The Content-Box module offers a variety of features for users to customize their content boxes. The latest update includes a Content Box Layout feature that organizes all layout-related features in one place, allowing users to choose between a single-column or multiple-column layout.
- Single Column: The option for a single-column layout is available for those who want to use only one box.
- Multiple Columns: In case you want to showcase multiple boxes and even manage their control in a single go, you can choose a multiple-column layout.
- Single Column: The option for a single-column layout is available for those who want to use only one box.
- Features under single-column box layout:
- Content Alignment: The box's content could be aligned left, right or centre as per the user's preferences.
- Icon Type: The user can choose between icon, image or SVG for the box icons.
- Image Alignment: The user can manage the icon/image/SVG's alignment as well.
- Heading Text: The user can control the text of the heading as it is completely editable.
- Description Text: The descriptions can be added by the users in the content box to make them more user-friendly.
- Button: The user can add a button to the content box and can change the style & alignment of the button from multiple options given in the feature as well.
- Button Text: The user can add text to the button. It's an editable button/CTA
- Button URL Link To The user can choose if the button is to be linked to external pages or internal pages.
- Button URL: Add the URL to the button
- Link Type: The user can choose the link to be a Follow / No-Follow
- Button Style: Choose from a variety of options given in the functionality given in the module.
- Button Alignment: The user can switch between the alignment of the button in the content box.
- Clickable Box: The user can choose to make the whole box clickable instead of just one button in the box to improve the UI of the webpage.
- Add URL to Box: The user can choose the box to be linked with internal, or external pages, email addresses or even files.
- URL: This is where the URL will be added in the box.
- Link Type: Control the follow/no-follow functionality.
- Features under multiple-column box layout:
- Columns per row: The user will be able to choose to keep up to 4 boxes in a single row. Any more boxes will automatically be shifted to the next row.
- Content Alignment: The box's content could be aligned left, right or centre as per the user's preferences.
- Add Items: The features offers the user to add boxes to the column and give better controls to manage their settings in a single go. Apart from the single-column box layout settings, there are a few more controls that have been given in this feature to collectively change the features as well as for individual boxes in the group.
- Content Alignment: The box's content could be aligned left, right or centre as per the user's preferences.
- Icon Type: The user can choose between icon, image or SVG for the box icons.
- Add Icon: The user should be able to add an icon of their choice
- Image Alignment: Choose to align the image in the box
- Heading Text: Add the title to the box
- Description Text: To add the text and description to the box
- Add Button: The user can add a button to the content box and can change the style & alignment of the button from multiple options given in the feature as well.
- Clickable Box: The user can choose to make the whole box clickable instead of just one button in the box to improve the UI of the webpage.
- Box Background Color - The user will be able to control the background colour of the box, the Background colour on hover and the colour of the box border as well.
- Box Icon Color: The user can give icon colour, icon background colour, Icon Hover Colour, and Icon Hover Background Colour.
- Box Icon Layout: The user can choose shapes between square and circle for the icons
- Box Text Color: The user can select different text colours and hover them as well.
- Shadow on Hover: The user can select to apply a shadow effect on box hover
- The radius of Edge: The user can get rid of standard rectangular boxes and give a radius to the edges.
- Box Animation: The user can give animation effects to the box from a variety of pre-defined options.
- Icon Type: The user can choose between icon, image or SVG for the box icons.
- Image Alignment: The user can manage the icon/image/SVG's alignment as well.
- Button: The user can add a button to the content box and can change the style & alignment of the button from multiple options given in the feature as well.
- Clickable Box: The user can choose to make the whole box clickable instead of just one button in the box to improve the UI of the webpage.
- Style Settings
- Box Style:
- Box background colour: The user can add a background colour as well as its hover colour.
- Shadow on hover: The user will be able to add a box shadow effect on hover over.
- Box border: The user will be able to add a border to the box, give width/thickness and even control the colour of the border as well.
- Box animation: The user can give animation effects to the box from a variety of pre-defined options.
- Icon Style:
- Icon Color: The user will be having the control to add the colour to the icons. This feature will work only for the icons chosen from the icon library by HubSpot.
- Icon Layout: The user can manage the alignment of the logo as they would want to. A new option has been given i.e. Boxed Up layout which allows the user to use the icon like it is embedded in the box. Here's a screenshot of the box with this feature below:
- Text Style:
- Text Colour: The user can give colour to the text of the boxes in the style settings.
- Text Size: The user can define H1, H2 and so on for the text used in the box.
- Visibility Controls: The user can show/hide the module for specific devices in a single control.
- Box Style:
Update Released on 10 Jan 2023