How you can delete contacts who have marked one of your marketing emails as spam

 If a contact has marked one of your past marketing emails as spam, HubSpot will automatically exclude it from the further marketing email list to protect your email sending reputation.

You can eliminate these contacts by exporting them, reviewing the export, then importing the contacts as a static list of contacts to delete from your account.

Export contacts who reported your marketing email as spam

  • Go to Marketing > Email in your HubSpot account.
  • Click the dropdown Email bounce tools in the left sidebar, then select Export unsubscribes and bounces.
  • Review the email address set to receive the export file.
  • Click the X next to Unsubscribed contacts and the X next to Bounced contacts to exclude them from the contacts to export in the dialog box.
  • Click Export.

Review the exported file

You'll receive an email with a download link to the export file. It includes a single column labeled Portal Spam Report. This column shows whether a contact marked a marketing email from your account as spam, or they moved the email from their inbox into their junk folder. You should see a value of TRUE in this column for every contact.

Import the file and delete the contacts who reported spam

  • Once you have reviewed the file, import it back into your HubSpot account and create a list of these contacts.
  • Once the list is created, select the checkbox in the header row to select all of the contacts on the first page of your list.
  • Click Select all to select all contacts in the list.
  • Click the dropdown More, then select Delete.