How you can create Tickets in HubSpot

In HubSpot, tickets are a way to organize and track all of your customer inquiries in one place. There are three ways you can create tickets: from tickets home, a contact record, or a conversation inbox. You can also automate the process of ticket creation using workflows and the support form.

Create a Ticket from Tickets home

  • Go to Service > Tickets in your HubSpot account.
  • Start creating tickets by clicking Create ticket.
  • Enter ticket details in the right panel. To customize the ticket properties, click customize the properties at the bottom of the panel. The following fields are required by default:
    • Ticket name: enter the ticket description here.
    • Pipeline: you can assign the ticket you are creating here to a specific ticket pipeline that you have created.
    • Ticket status: choose a ticket stage from the pipeline you have selected above.
    • Source: click the dropdown to select the source of the ticket.
    • Ticket owner: this section will give the name of the account owner by default. You can also select the owner manually from the dropdown.
    • Priority: assign the priority level, low, medium, or high from the dropdown.
  • Associated ticket with: this section will let you associate your ticket with certain contact and company.
    • Company: enter the name of the company you want to associate with this ticket and click on the name.
    • Contact: enter the name of the contact you want to associate with this ticket and click on the name.
  • Click Create to create a ticket, Create and add another to add more tickets, or Cancel to cancel the ticket you are creating.

Create a ticket from the contact or company record

An existing ticket can also be associate with a particular contact or a new ticket can also be created directly from the contact record or the contacts dashboard.

  • Go to your Contacts or Companies in your HubSpot account.
  • Hover over a contact or company name and click Preview.
  • You will see more details in the right panel. 
  • Scroll down to the Ticket section and click Add.
  • To create a new ticket, enter the details in the Create a new ticket tab and click Create.
  • To add an existing ticket,
  • To add an existing ticket, click on the Add existing ticket tab, search for the ticket name and click Save.

Create tickets using a form in your conversations inbox

Connect a form in the conversations inbox. Whenever anyone will submit the form, it will create tickets in your account. You can respond to the visitor's inquiry directly from your conversation inbox. 

In the conversations inbox, you can also automatically create tickets from new incoming emails sent to your team email account.

Create tickets with a workflow

Set up a workflow in automation to create tickets automatically based on specific enrollment triggers.