Creating Center on a date or Center on a date property contact-based workflows allows you to schedule and execute workflow actions relative to a specific date.
Select workflow type
- Go to Automation > Workflows in your HubSpot account.
- Click Create workflow in the upper right corner.
- Select Contact-based from the left panel.
- Give a name to the workflow from the Name your workflow.
- In the right panel, Under Choose type in the left panel, select Center on a date or Center on a date property.
- In Center on a date, click the dropdown Date of event and select the date the workflow actions will revolve around.
- In Center on a date property, click the dropdown Contact date property and select the contact date property the workflow actions will revolve around.
- Click Next.
- If you want the workflow actions to recur annually based on the date or date property, click the box Specify a date and select the checkbox Recur annually in the left panel.
- Click Save.
Set enrollment criteria
When a contact meets the enrollment criteria, they'll automatically be enrolled in the workflow. If you only want to enroll contacts manually, leave the enrollment trigger box blank.
- Click Set enrollment triggers in the workflow editor. Select a filter type for the enrollment trigger in the right panel. Select the criteria, then click Apply filter.
- By default, contacts will only be enrolled in a workflow the first time they meet the enrollment triggers.
- To enable re-enrollment to click the Re-enrollment tab in the right sidebar and the Allow re-enrollment checkbox.
- Click Save.
- To set the date and time the next action will execute, click the Delay schedule and timing box.
- Select date and time in the right panel.
- Click Save.
Add actions
- Click the plus icon + to add more workflow actions.
- Select an action in the right panel.
- Set up the details of the action, then click Save.
- Click the plus icon + to add more workflow actions.
Manage settings
- Click the Settings tab to manage the workflow's settings.
- Under General, select days and times that you want actions to execute.
- Click +Add days if you wnat to pause the workflow for a specific date.
- Choose campaign to associate your workflow to a campaign
- Click Save.
Turn on your workflow
- Click Review in the upper right.
- Choose to enroll records that currently meet the criteria or only enroll records that meet the criteria in the future:
- Select No, only enroll [objects] which meet the trigger criteria after turning the workflow on to only enroll records that meet the enrollment triggers after the workflow is turned on.
- Select Yes, enroll existing [objects] which meet the trigger criteria as of now to enroll existing records that meet the enrollment triggers.
- Review workflow settings, then click Turn on.
- After turning on the workflow, you can view the workflow history to monitor the records that are enrolled.