Clear Team Module

This module can be used to introduce your employees or display your entire team. Image, text, and 2 layouts fields are included along with the option to view more information about your team members.

Watch the video below, where you can learn how to customize and edit the Clear Team Module easily.

If you have any Sales or Support related questions, you can anytime reach us at or visit this page.

Let's see how it Works:-

Row Settings:-

This option is very useful to give spacing from the top bottom. Please add the number in a given field for spacing, also we have the option of range parameter.



Background Style:- This setting gives us the option to add the background with image, color, and gradient. team-clear

Heading display options:- In some sections, we don't want the heading and sub-heading. Where we can use this option to disable the heading content.



Team Layout Options:-

This option is used for layout purposes. Here we have two options Layout 1 and Layout 2.
Each option Layout is very useful and builds a simple and unique design.


Layout 1

In this section first, we get the option to add the heading and the subheading.head1

Add the Team Member:-

- First, add the team member image. Here we have the option to set the height and width as per the use.

- Add the name and designation of the member
- Add the member description
- Save


In the Team Style Settings, We can change & update the following:-

- Adjust the heading font size
- Change Heading font color
- Change Text transformation
- Update Text color
- Save  

Item Show Settings:-

With the help of this setting, the user can assign the items to be shown on desktop, tablet, and mobile. We have to just add the number in the given field, it automatically adjusts the layout.

clear team desk

Layout 2

Add the Team Member:-

- First, add the team member image. Here we have the option to set the height and width as per the use.

- Add the name and designation of the member
- Add the member description
- Save


In the Team Style Settings, We can change & update the following:-

- Adjust the heading font size
- Change Heading font color
- Change Text transformation
- Update Text color
- Save

Item Show Settings:-

With the help of this setting, the user can assign the items to be shown on desktop, tablet, and mobile. We have to just add the number in the given field, it automatically adjusts the layout.

clear team desk

"Release Notes V 1.1.0"  [New]

** Features

Layout 2:- We have updated this module with the new layout. Now the user has the option of two layouts. We have to just select the layout and it starts working.


Please use the following setting to use this layout:-

- Please select the layout 2 option
- Add the heading name and subheading name
- Add the member with the help of listing feature
- Use team style setting option to design the team listings
- Enable/disable hover zoom option as per the use
- Enable/disable slider option as per the use