Clear - Popup Video Module

The clear Video Popup Module gives you an amazing look on your page Section. With this module, the user can easily add the video link and change the design of the module background.

Watch the video below, where you can learn how to customize and edit the Popup Video module easily.

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Let's see how its Work:-

Add Video:-

This option is used to add the video link. Here we have to add the embedded link of any video.


Row Height:- With this setting, we can adjust the height of the background image as per the use.



Set Background:- With this option, we can change the background Style. Here we have the choice between Color, Gradient and background image.


Background Color:- When we select the color as the background option. We get the option to select the color which we want to use in the background and image for the play button.


Add content:- Here we get the option to add the content. Also, We can select the content option.


Typography Style: - This setting is used to style the text color and font size also.

We can change/update the following things:-
- Change the font color
- Update the text Transformation
- Change the heading Color
- Select the font-weight
- Adjust the Spacing
