Lottie is an open source library for android, iOS, windows and web, Which is used to add animations on website or mobile application. Lottie is tiny, high quality, interactive, and can be manipulated at runtime.
We have developed a Hubspot Lottie Module so let's see how it works and the way by which you can use it in your template.
How to Use Lottie?
Let’s see how to use Lottie!
Step 1
First thing first, go to Lottiefiles.com and select the animation you want to use.
Step 2
You can either download the animation of your choice or choose the Json file or script code. Then, open the project in your IDE and add the required code into the text field of the respective module.
If you want, you can change properties such as animation speed and background color here.
In the animation file, you get the options to edit the properties like play mode, direction, background color, width, height and animation speed.
Once you are done with your changes, click on the publish button to make your changes live.
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