Clear Hero Slider Module

A hero slider extends the idea of a hero image, allowing you to present multiple hero images in sequence, using captions, transitions, and animation. This Module is entirely customizable and highly editable without touching the single line of code.

Watch the video below, where you can learn how to customize and edit the Hero Slider Module easily.

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Let's see how it Works:

Hero Slider Add / Edit:-

This setting is very important in the slider module. In this setting, we get the option to add the slider with a caption.


Add Slides:-

To add the slides please click on the add button. The first option we get to add the heading and subheading. 


Button Style:-

This option is used to add the button in the slider. We can add multiple buttons. Please click on the add button and Enter the text and link.


Add the Image : -

To add the image in the background. First, click on the give option to replate or remove the image. Here we get the option to adjust the height and width.


Image Overlay:-

This setting is used to add the color overlay on your image slider. We have to just select the color and set the overlay.


General Settings:-

This option is used to style the slider with all the alignments.

We can update and change the following settings in the Slider : -

- Align the text
- Add the heading color
- Adjust the heading font size
- Change the Text Transformation
- Change the subheading color
- Adjust the spacing top bottom
- Change the button background-color
- Change the button text color
- Update the button border-color
- Assign the border width
- Adjust the border height
- Change the button font size
- Button text transformation


Slider option : -

This setting provides All the slider controls. We can set the autoplay and set the speed of the slider. The user also Changes the navigation. They have the option to select the Nav and dots.

We can update and change the following settings in the Slider:-

- Set the Autoplay
- Update the speed of slider
- Choose between Nav and dots


Content Width :-

This setting is used to assign the width for the slider. Users can change the Width as per the use. We have the option like Standard, custom and full.


"Release Notes V 1.1.0"  [Updated]

** Features

Autoplay:-We have added the autoplay option in this module. Now the user can enable this option for autoplay and set the speed.



Arrow / Dots navigation: Here we add the option to add the arrow navigation in the slider banners. Users can choose any of the options according to use.
