Content Boxes Module Documentation

This module is built for people who need a bit more than two boxes to split their content per page, in a way that’s both aesthetically pleasing and convenient to the end-user.Each box can contain text, links, or graphics, and organized how you like.

Watch the video below, where you can learn how to customize and edit the Content Boxes Module easily.

If you have any Sales or Support related questions, you can any time reach us at or visit this page.

Let's see how its Work:-

Content Boxes:

General Setting: This option contains the content alignment settings . with the help of these settings we can align our content and remove and add the CTA button.

genral settings

 Content aligned: With this option, we can be aligned our content. But according to my suggestion center-aligned is best. 

My Video4

CTA Button: With just one click we Remove and Add the CTA button according to our use. Some Content Element boxes do not need of CTA button so that time without any code just Click on the option NO and it removes the CTA buttons.

                             My Video3-1

Design Setting

With the help Design Settings, we can add defined no content box elements and also add, remove, and edit by just one click.

design settigs

Set columns: We can select the Defined number of columns on the site. The minimum is 1 and the maximum is 4 Columns.



Content Background Settings: With the help of background settings we can add and change the background color and Sometimes we dont want background color so we can use nope options.




Heading Content Settings: This option is beneficial to design the heading content of your heading Section.

Screenshot heading tools


We can change the border color and adjust the width of the border by range slider. 

box settings


Button Settings: We can change the background color and adjust the button size by using a Range slider. Button padding is used to generate space around an element's content, inside of any defined borders.

buttons set

Edit Items:

The edit items option is for add, delete, clone and edit. Also, you can upload your design and easily customized by our Module.
 Screenshot items