HubSpot allows you to add unsubscribe links to your one-to-one emails sent from the contacts record. It also includes any email sent out through the sequences. With this link, recipients can opt-out of receiving such emails from you.
Add an unsubscribe link to your one-to-one sales and sequence emails
Enabling the global GDPR functionality setting in your HubSpot account will include the unsubscribe link by default for all users. But, a user can also remove the unsubscribe link for their one-to-one sales emails.
If you don't want to enable the global GDPR functionality setting, but want to add the unsubscribe link to your one-to-one and sequence emails sent from your own HubSpot user account:
- Click the settings icon in the main navigation bar in your HubSpot account.
- Go to General.
- Click the Email tab.
- Select the Include unsubscribe link checkbox.
- Choose the phrase you want to appear for your unsubscribe link by clicking Edit link text, then in the dialog box, select the radio button next to the link text that you want.
- Click Save.